What is your return/exchange policy?

Yes, we offer a hassle-free return and exchange policy within 5 days of purchase. Please ensure the item is in its original condition with tags and packaging intact. Read “Return and Exchange policy”

How long will it take to get my order?

The delivery time for your order depends on your location and the shipping method chosen at checkout. Typically, orders are delivered within 4-7 days. You will receive a tracking number once your order ships, allowing you to monitor its progress.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payments via credit/debit cards, bank transfers (where available), payment wallets, UPI and cash on delivery (COD) where applicable.

Do you have gift packaging options?

Yes, we offer gift packaging options for our jewelry items, ensuring your purchase is elegantly presented for special occasions.

How long does order processing take?

Order processing typically takes 1 business days from the time your order is placed. During peak times or sales events, processing may take slightly longer. Once processed, you will receive a SMS with tracking details for your shipment.

How do I cancel/modify an order?

By visiting your order page at neearafasion.com

How can I track my order?

Once your order is processed, you will receive a tracking number via SMS. You can use this to track your shipment on our website or the shipping carrier's site.

What if my order arrives damaged?

No worries, you have the option for replacement (You must have unpacking video of parcel) without any question. Please read “Return and Replacement” policy for more details.

How do I qualify for free shipping?

Free shipping is available on orders exceeding Rs. 500.

Do you shop internationally?

No, currently we are not shipping internationally.

Are the images on your website true to the actual product?

We strive to provide accurate representations of our jewelry through high-quality images and detailed descriptions. However, slight variations in color or appearance may occur due to monitor settings or lighting conditions.

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